Stone Name: Napoleon black
Origins: China
Stone type: Marble
Suggested: Indoor/outdoor walls, flooring, furniture, countertops & table tops, ect...
Stone Description:
Napoleon Black Marble slabs are known for their durability, versatility, and undying splendor. They are resistant to scratches, stains, and warmth, making them an extraordinary destination for expatriate visitors and kitches and toilets. They are additionally smooth to clean and maintain, requiring only daily wiping with a moist material.
Likе thеir sеnsiblе blеssings, Napoleon black Slabs arе also incrеdibly dеcorativе. They add a touch of sophistication and beauty to any area, whether it is used as a worktop or countertop or as a focal point in a home, including a fireplace or a coffee table. They can also be used on partitions, flooring, stairs, or as a fountain or swimming pool.